Keim Mineral Paints

SPECIAL ORDER - Please contact Keim.

A traditional natural permeable paint for the decoration of lime plaster, lime render, limestone, soft brick and porous building materials.

Click & Collect from Haverhill or National Delivery

Please see our delivery details and minimum order quantities listed below.



The key to optimum performance with Keim products is preparation prior to decoration. Please ensure that all recommendations in the General Considerations Section are followed. Please note that unless otherwise stated a visual inspection has been carried out from ground level only. The inspection has been carried out in order to give advice regarding application of Keim products, and we can only comment on the state of the substrate at the time of the visit with regard to application of Keim products. This report is not in any way intended to be a survey of the building itself. Please note that Keim are not responsible for identification of any underlying defects which were not visible at the time of inspection, this includes any defects which may be hidden underneath existing paint layers. Consumption rates given are typical consumption rates for the surfaces described. Samples can be provided free of charge in order to verify consumption rates


General points to be borne in mind when using Keim Mineral Paints are: -

In order for Keim Mineral paint to achieve its permanent bond with the surface it is essential that the following recommendations are followed.

Pre-treatment –

  • all areas to be decorated should be free from all surface contaminants, sound, dry and dust free
  • all loose, flaking, and unstable material must be identified and then thoroughly removed using stiff brushes and broad bladed scrapers to get back to a sound edge; these edges should then be feathered in
  • ensure that any paint materials left remaining, and the underlying substrate is sound and adhering
  • caution should be taken with the removal of any pre-1960’s coatings as they may contain lead any gloss or shiny surfaces should be thoroughly flatted down using sand or emery paper to create a good key
  • if the surfaces are being chemically stripped ensure that they are thoroughly washed down of all residues prior to decoration. Due to the potential for an osmotic drawing reaction, which can bring contaminants to the surface, we do not recommend the use of poultice based strippers if the surfaces are to be redecorated
  • any powdery or chalking surfaces will require treatment prior to decoration – contact Keim to ascertain the appropriate product
  • use only Keim recommended fillers and sealers. Acrylic, resin, and gypsum based fillers particularly are not recommended for use with mineral paints

Material Application –

  • always maintain a wet edge and work materials out well
  • all materials must be thoroughly mixed beforehand, and periodically during decoration, using a mechanical mixer. We do not recommend intermixing packs, however if this is necessary ensure that products are thoroughly mixed beforehand to ensure even pigment dispersion, prior to mixing
  • materials must not be applied at temperatures below 5oC nor those in excess of 30oC
  • materials must not be applied if it is raining or if there is an immediate likelihood of rain
  • Keim Mineral Paints should be applied onto wind dry surfaces where the moisture content on or near the surface (to a depth of 5mm approximately) should be no greater than 18% by volume. For on-site purposes, a moisture meter may be used to give a qualitative reading – if the reading is in the green zone decoration may proceed
  • on newly rendered surfaces we would suggest that a period of at least 15 days (30 days for lime render) is allowed following rendering, prior to the application of Keim paints
  • mineral paints are manufactured using natural components and as such can appear to dry out unevenly. This is the way in which they dry, once fully dried any unevenness will disappear. Do not over-roll or touch up the paint during the drying process as this may inadvertently create patching once dry
  • mineral paints will lighten as they dry, with a corresponding increase in opacity
  • if airless spraying, please contact Keim for details of the appropriate nozzle sizes and optimum mesh and filter types

Housekeeping –

  • all adjoining surfaces must be protected during decoration, any splashes/unwanted paint removed immediately, before it is able to completely dry and bond to the surface
  • any splashes or spillage should be removed immediately using water - particular note needs to be taken of this in respect of Keim on glass, as it has a slight etching effect if allowed to dry hard
  • clean all brushes and tools immediately in water (some ancillary products containing solvents may require white spirit or turpentine, if in doubt please consult the relevant product technical data sheet)
  • always store materials upright and secure. Protect from extremes of temperature and store in frost-free conditions

General –

  • when ordering reference to the project should be made, to ensure that in the event of re-ordering a colour match can be supplied
  • to avoid confusion, the recommendations within this specification should be followed where there are any minor differences between this document and the standard advice on packaging and technical data sheets
  • Keim Mineral Paints Ltd operates a policy of ‘sale and no return’ on all goods supplied in good faith

SPECIAL ORDER - Please visit the Keim website for more information.

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House icon

"Thanks,, I'm fully converted now 👍 won't be using lime putty for a while that's for sure, much better finish compared to what I've been using for the past 8 years or so, and peace of mind that it doesn't crack, lighter, less mess, no binding in needed.

I was also pleasantly surprised about how far it goes per bag 👍 definitely a game changer for me, will be back next week sometime for some more."

John Thompson
Limelight Restoration
House icon

"Used their product Patchcote on my timber framed house for some repairs.

Really easy to mix, apply and finish.

Left-over product was just as pliable 3 days later, it can be left sealed inside the container supplied, after mixing, for up to a year!

Best product I’ve worked with!!"

Geoff Morland
House icon

"Limecote and Warmcote are ideal products for use on timber framed buildings and low strength substrates with their excellent flexibility, bond, and light weight compared to sanded plasters. Being dry bagged makes it easy to transport and store, with the added advantage of being able to adjust the mix to suit thin or very thick coats without compromising the product, or the quality of the finished work."

Roy Cafferty
Traditional Plastering Services

Why choose Best of Lime?

The Best of Lime materials
At Best of Lime, our traditional lime plaster products are developed under the strict rule that they must be the best of what is available. We continuously listen to and evaluate feedback from specifiers and contractors as to how certain materials perform, both on site and long term.
Our lime plasters, manufactured by us on site in rural East Anglia, are sustainable, environmentally friendly building materials which tick all the requisite conservation and green boxes. We have yet to find anything that they won't stick to, including bricks, wooden lath, straw bale, and stone.
Get in touch
For any enquiries please contact Best of Lime on 01440 848200 or email Alternatively, click the button below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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Contact Us
Unit A, 
The Brocks Business Centre, Homefield Road, 
Suffolk CB9 8QP
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